Charged Vitamin C application

This is a method to infuse active Vitamin C into the skin by using a solvent of Vitamin C and charging the particles by use of a weak current so as to improve penetration. As Vitamin C is an good anti oxidant
and mild whitening agent , skin treated by this method gets fairer and more radiant

(VITALIONT II was developed five years ago in cooperation with Dr. Harue Suzuki, the director of Suzuki Plastic Surgery Clinic in Kyoto . The permeability of total vitamin C with use of VITALIONT II
was demonstrated by a research group under the leadership of Prof. Nobuhiko Miwa in School of
Bioresources of Hiroshima Prefectural University, and its clinical records have been favorable. Key pointsin iontophoresis are penetration rate, stability, and durability.)


A) Pigmentation
Sufficient amounts of vitamin C reaches the basal layer of the epidermis in order to suppress abnormal increase in melanin that causes pigmentation such as melasma, freckle, and transient pigmentation (after laser irradiation) and to bleach already-existing melanin.

B) Wrinkle treatment
It  acts to hydrate to hydrate proline/lycine residue in alpha-chains to form triple helix by the polymerization of 3 pieces of preprocollagen alpha-chains regarding dermis fibroblast. It is significant to supply vitamin C intentionally as an essential cofactor to make propyl-4-hydroxylase function as a main enzyme to catalyzethe reaction above because vitamin C is apt to be depleted partially.
C) Anti Aging
Reducing damage to nuclear DNA by ultra violet A by removal of free oxygen radicals and extends cell life preventing telomere shortening of chromosomes