
Eczema or Dermatitis is commonly known as " allergic skin" is caused by the inflammation of the outer layer of the skin resulting in redness, itching and sometimes dryness or weeping.

The common types are Atopic, Contact, Xerotic and Seborrheic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type often occurring at a young age and occurs more commonly in individuals with a history or family history of other allergies like asthma and allergic rhinitis.The rash commonly occurs on the scalp. insides of elbows, behind the knees and on the buttocks.

                                                              ATOPIC DERMATITIS

Contact dermatitis results when the skin is in contact with an irritant (eg. detergent or chemicals) or allergic response to substances which would not normally set off a reaction in others. (eg. cosmetics).

                                                CONTACT DERMATITIS TO EAR RINGS

Xerotic dermatitis occurs in skin that is so dry that it becomes an eczema. This happens more often in cold dry winters especially in exposed extremities. The elderly get this condition more often as they their sebum production is less active.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is closely related to dandruff and causes dry or greasy peelings over the scalp, eyebrows, face and sometimes trunk.

Long standing dermatitis may cause increased thickness and darkening of the skin a process called LICHENIFICATION  which may be cosmetically troubling.

                                                   LICHENIFICATION BACK OF KNEES

Treatment modalities:-

(especially moisturisers and steroid based creams.)

Medlite C6 
(for lichenification and post inflammatory pigmentation.)

- Antibiotics or Anti fungals where indicated. Antihistamines for the itch.

- Avoidance of triggers and allergens.