Acne and Acne Scars

The common type of acne is called acne vulgaris. It is a condition that mainly affects adolescents but may persist or even become more severe in adulthood. Most, but not all, acne patients have oily skin. Commonly known as "pimples"

The acne can present as non inflamed lesions known as open comedones (blackheads) closed comedones (whitehead) or larger deeper cysts.

When these acne gets infected or inflamed by bacteria they present as small red bumps, squeezable pustules or large red bumps.

Lastly they result in red or dark patches ( especially dark races) and finally scars . Scars are permanent.

Acne can also occur on the chest or back in certain individuals and in susceptible individuals end up as keloids.

It is important to manage the underlying factors including hormonal ones and get your acne properly managed and treated by a doctor to prevent the long term scarring .